Friday, May 19, 2006

Minature Golf Field Trip

Jessica on her school field trip to Golf 'N Stuff in beautiful Norwalk . . . or was it Downey? Either way it was a special day full of bad cheese pizza, Skittles galore, and those special arcade games that require tokens a la Chuckie Cheese. Great fun was had by all, especially when the bus driver disappeared and was an hour late coming back to drive everyone home. Jessica was convinced that 'baddies' might have taken the bus driver, but mom worried that he might be in some tacky bar knocking back cold ones . . . so opted to drive Jessica back to school herself.

The Girl's Strike a Pose

A Look Around Jessica's School

May 2006, and here is Jessica's kindergarten classroom at Page School.

A Big Girl Locker . . .

Who Is The Student of the Month for May???

Oh I Think We Know the Answer!!


Jessica's First Sleepover

Jessica's school has a few sleepovers a year, and Jessica decided she was ready to join in the fun. Of course, there was much preparation in the Nash household to make sure she was ready. One new Barbie suitcase - $19.99 . . . one new Bratz Rock Angels sleeping bag - $29.99 . . . cost for the sleepover including dinner, (see details below) - $25.00. Carroll felt the first sleepover deserved the special treatment, despite the fact that she is desperately hoping Jessica will call and come home early. While Jessica is frolicking around the playground eating cookies and watching late movies, Carroll is home eating excessive girl scout cookies and waiting for the phone to ring.

Changed and Ready . . .

Jessica rejoices over her new trendy sleeping bag.

Flannel Jim Jams and Collagen Lips

I am not even very keen on this shot of Jessica, but just cannot resist the incredible beauty of the Bratz Rock Angel.

Who Can Pass Up Canned Spaghetti?

OK, maybe it isn't canned, but bulk spaghetti and baked chicken legs are soooo appetizing. Somehow Carroll cleverly planned ahead and had a zen early dinner at Chado before returning to school.

The Standard Princess Tent

The first graders are allowed to sleep outdoors and the tent selection varies from dad's fishing tents to special order Princess tents with matching princess sleeping bags.

The Princess Tent DE-LUX!!!

It is obvious that the Nash family will have to step things up a notch next year when Jessica is allowed to sleep outside in the school yard.