Jessica cracks up at something Adrian says during the graduation ceremony. And some funny shots of Sacha worming in on pics with Jessica at her class graduation party. Sadly, Sacha is changing schools and won't be attending 2nd grade. Even more disappointing since Jessica had been promised a large, fancy car . . . with a TV in the back. Ah well.
Note to Self: Buy a few more 'boys' to even out the odds - and get a few more ball gowns so the ladies can stop fighting over the prettiest dresses. And I like the one Bratz girl that is missing her feet and only has stumps. We are equal-opportunity at the Nash house. Even footless girls get to go to the ball.
So the top shot shows the first top tooth gone, and the other top tooth migrated over into full snaggle-tooth mode. Below is Jessica with both teeth gone enjoying the pool with Addie and Russell.