The kids all had a great time at our usual tubing spot. We arrived early and beat the crowds. This was practically the only snow on the mountain. Jess wasn't keen on the snow pants this year - not flattering, but they kept her dry and toasty.
The drive back was likely the worst rain we've seen in years in Southern California. Not sure how many accidents we counted on the drive, but luckily we made it home safe and sound, with PJ snuggled in the back, napping the entire ride home.
Somehow P.J. has managed to worm her way onto Jessica's bed (thanks for those doggie stairs Jerri!) and is slowly migrating her way up to the top of the bed.
A red letter day for PJ and family. The third round of shots are done and PJ can officially get out and about for walks. She LOVES it already and did a great job with Jessica.
Happy New Year and the Nash family spent that day at the beach. Seemed the best way to kick off the new year and hoping 2010 is better for one and all.