Thursday, April 29, 2010

Science Fair 2010 - DONE!!!

With the last few finishing touches tonight, Jess has completed her science fair board and 3-D model. Touch-and-go figuring out a way to display the paper mache eel, with the tricky bottom fin, but a few drumsticks and black paint did the trick. We are due at the gymnasium at 8am tomorrow morning for set-up. This is our first school science fair (at this school), so no clue how we will compare to the competition . . . errr . . . to the other equally fabulous projects. Now we just have to get everything to school with minimal damage! Venti vanilla latte for mom in the morning.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Science Project 2010

So as part of the Science Fair, we have to make a 3-D version of our animal. Jessica choose the Electric Eel, and wanted to paper mache her model. We started with balloons and masking tape, then progressed to shredded newspaper and special glue, then tonight we painted. Tomorrow we will put the final touches. I want to use googlie eyes, but Jess says they are too babyish. As if.

We Miss You Dad!

All the girls in Los Angeles are missing Adrian.

Hummingbird Progress

So there are two eggs in the nest, and mom spends most of her time sitting tight and keeping them warm. Although we've seen, we think, the dad hanging out during the day. Hard to get a shot of dad as he jets off the second we open the front door, so we had to shoot him through the window. More to come as soon as the eggs hatch. Note added two weeks later: We had a huge wind storm blow through Los Angeles. Lasted two or three days and when it was over there were no eggs left. Very sad and now we have to wait until next spring to try again.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hummingbird Season Has Arrived

So we realized upon our return from Tucson that one of our resident hummingbirds has once again made a nest right outside our front door. This is the third time we've had a hummingbird nest in the same spot. Two eggs are in the nest and I'll get pics of the eggs in the next few days. We think she started the nest just above where she is, but realized there was not enough room - so then built a second larger nest.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

PJ's Cone of Shame . . .

We quite like PJ's Cone of Shame . . . it flips down and then we can play PJ Goes to the Spa.

Friday, April 09, 2010

PJ Wonders Why The Elevators are so Slow?!

We think PJ may have had the best holiday of anyone. She learned to RACE down the hallway to the elevators to go outside. She became the darling of the resort and is now known by much of the resort staff and quite a few guests. Very funny to walk into the latte shop in the morning to be greeted by "It's PJ!" by two other guests and the barista. Although after many desert walks, PJ is no longer black, tan and white - she's more of a black, tan and tan. One serious bath on order upon the return home.

The Nash Family Gets Old-Timey

Amidst many eye-rolls and heavy sighs, Carroll insists the family get a portrait. The end result though is much loved by all!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Resort Wildlife

Loving the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort. PJ is loving the wildlife.

Tucson Traildust Town

We all had a good night in Tucson hitting Traildust Town for an "authentic" old west evening and dinner.

Monday, April 05, 2010

PJ Takes Tucson!

So the trip to Tucson has been a success so far. PJ loved the airport and all the interesting people and smells. We had a few little yips in the bag whilst on the floor of the plane, and we need to carry on a blanket on the return trip to combat the cold, but overall it was pretty easy-breezy. PJ saw her first rabbit on a walk and went INSANE! Very funny to see our mellow dog lunging and yowling to go after it. Luckily we kept hold of the leash. Back at the room, PJ loves the hotel beds.