Tuesday, August 23, 2011

JESS and PJ Join Therapy Dogs International

We're very proud of Jessica this summer. She decided she wanted to take a training course with PJ to try and qualify her to be a certified therapy dog. The course was eight weeks and we were pretty ahead of the game with PJ due to all the other fun training and classes we've already done. PJ was definitely the star of the class and although the final test was UBER stressful, Jess and PJ came through with flying colors. We've now submitted our paperwork and once we get everything back, Jess can sign up for a variety of therapy visit options. She is most excited about the program for kids held at local libraries - Tail Waggin' Tutors. She and PJ will need to do six visits a year through the program to stay certified and I think this is a great experience for her. Well done Jess and PJ!

Baby Birds Summer 2011

So we had a great nest right up in the roof of our back porch. Very hard to get a good shot as we had to shoot through the glass and screen from inside. We think the nest had three babies, but only ever saw two at a time. Mom was very watchful and would fly off as soon as we tried to peek.