The Nash family is very excited to welcome Lucas Bennett Leo Cochrane. Congrats to Paul and Charlotte and we are looking forward to becoming the number one babysitters.
So the 5th grade first semester project is the State Fair. Every student gets a state and 'we' then learn everything you could possibly imagine about that state. Jess was assigned West Virginia and had to make a scrapbook and banner, write a report, plan an Enrichment piece, and then present all the information to the rest of the school in a half-day-long extravaganza. It was really fun and Jess - dressed as an apple farmer - passed out cups of apple juice while she taught the other kids about her state. (State fruit of West Viriginia - the Golden Delicious Apple). It was quite a success, but a LOT of work. Next semester . . . science fair.
Not a ton of photos, but a few that I had from Adrian's trip to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. Overall a great trip and next time the entire Nash clan will attend.
Trying to catch up on posts. It has been a crazy busy fall in the Nash household with school and double sports. In addition to soccer, Jessica was on the school basketball team. The girls started the season 0 for 4, but then turned it around and finished somewhere around 5 and 5. Really strong finish and they already can't wait for next year.
This year Jessica and PJ participated in The Wiggle Waggle Walk - a fundraiser for the Pasadena Humane Society - with her trainer Penny Scott-Fox and the entire Scott Fox team. The turnout was amazing and Jessica and PJ were featured in the team booth at the event.
Wow - What an amazing season on the soccer field. Despite Adrian's best efforts to get Jess more time in the MIDDLE of the field, Jess has ended up being quite a star goalie. Last week, as the clear underdog on the Quarter Finals, the game ended in a tie. Jess was the goalie for the 5-shot PKs (penalty kicks). Jess won the day allowing NO goals and her team managed to get one in past their goalie, thereby sending Jessica's team to the semi-finals. It was quite exciting and a real nail-biter with the parents on both sides going crazy. I have some shots from Jessica's saves, but most are blurry due to low light and fast action!! VERY difficult for mom to watch the other kickers slamming balls at Jessica from about 12-18 feet out.