Friday, August 10, 2007

You Shut YOUR Front Door!!! 2nd Grade is Here!

I still can't figure out how this has happened, but Jessica started 2nd grade this week. I admit I got a bit misty on the first morning, and with many eye-rolls and "moooooommmm" Jessica sent me off to the car with one pick of Jessica, Sydney and Ananda. These three are in a 'club' at school, which is the 2nd grade version of a click, or is it clique? There is a new girl in the class, Haley, who has been allowed to join the club for the school year, and another girl, who shall remain nameless, who's been kicked out of the club by unanimous vote on the first day of school. This is but a taste of what's to come in the teenage years. I also got one quick shot through the window of Jessica looking scarily angelic in class. AS
IF. And yes, Jessica's school starts eons ahead of all the other schools, but I've realized it's just a ruse to get more money. Can't charge outrageous private school fees if the kids are on summer break.

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