Friday, April 18, 2008

International Day at Page

Whew! It's been a long day. Every year Page School has International Day to celebrate the variety in backgrounds of all the students. We have represented South Africa for several years now, so this year decided to represent England instead. Finding traditional English dress for Jessica was not so easy, so we settled on an old-school British ensemble (circa 1700), although I mostly felt like Jess was representing Laura Ingels (sp?) in Little House on the Prairie. Nevertheless, the day was a huge success. We brought tea sandwiches, lemon poppy seed scones, strawberries and cream as our contribution to the pot luck. Thanks to Ali for the food ideas and the tea sandwiches were the bomb - who'd a thunk?! Although I did cheat and forgo the horrid cucumber and egg salad, and made American-style tea sandwiches with ham instead. Cut into little triangles . . . the kids were crazy for them. My scones were also to die for, made with FRESH lemon from our own tree in the backyard. Perhaps I should have been dressed in my own Laura Ingles senior dress??? OH, and can someone explain why green cupcakes are considered IRISH. I thought those and the green 'Irish' jello shots were a bit off the mark. I'm just saying.

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