Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Family Night Takes on a Whole New Meaning



So just before Halloween (and no, these posts are not in order), we had a family night at Jessica's school. Somehow Carroll was stupid enough, errr, lucky enough to volunteer to babysit Lucy and Charlie for an overnighter so Bren and Jerri could wing off to Vegas for a quick jaunt. Amazing kizmet that the overnighter was the same day as Jessica's school family-night show. So, off we all went to the show. The kids had an amazing time. Charlie played some manly basketball, and then worked his way into the crowd until he was hanging out with some 'older women' - first grade triplets. Go Charlie! Lucky he left his princess skirts at home.

Jess sang two songs with her class and then all three kids mostly sat and watched the show. An exhausted Carroll then took the kids home to a dinner-of-champions - McDonalds. Big shock that Adrian had to 'work late' and arrived just as the kids were all down for bed.

The next day Lucy did some gardening duty and we all had a dance party starting around 6am. It was a hugely long 24-hours, but the kids were fab and a good time was had by all.

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