Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Jess had to write an essay for school and I think it is classic. Mistakes left in.


Adrian is my dad. I interviewed my dad. My dad is a finance directer for a media company. He deals with company matters such as contracts, fees and many bills. I think my dad has a really good job. I know my dad likes his job alot. My dad got the skills by working hard. He also puts in lots of effort into his work. He needs to be detailed because he reads lots of letters and contracts. He studied and had job training. He studied hard on math because he deals with bills. He studied reading because he reads many letters and contracts. My dad does good work in his job. My dad likes the people he works with. Also he has made lots of friends. My dad is very friendly to his other workers.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Twilight DVD Release Party

While this might be the first Twilight DVD release party I've been to, I must still say it was the BEST TWILIGHT DVD RELEASE PARTY EVER!! Fabu job Jerri on the best tasting Twilight cake with blood red cake and black frosting that made all our teeth and tongues black. It was scary how good it tasted. We enjoyed some of the behind-the-scenes goodies on the 'extras' disc, and then got down to watching dreamy Edward - yet again for some of us - in the feature film. And a pox on you nay-saers (how the H do you spell nay-saers?) who mock the movie. Hearts of stone all of you. And remember, you are my life now Edward. No matter how far, I WILL FIND YOU! (Inside family joke, I know Jerri is laughing). Mark your calendars ladies. Cougars night out November 20th for New Moon opening night.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Third Grade Projects

So here are the third grade projects - all five of them. I couldn't get a pic with Ananda in front of hers as she was late and had to run to assembly. From top to bottom - Jess, Sasha, Sydney, Jorge and (missing) Ananda.

Here Are Some of the Other Presentations

Here are some of the presentations from Grades 2 - 6. Some very cool topics including one on harmful bacteria we can all find around our own homes . . . ewwwww. Not sure I want to test that one at our house! Most of the kids thought the potato chip project was the clear 6th grade winner!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The yearly science fair is finally over . . . or at least it will be in 12 more hours. This year Jessica did her experiment on the effects vitamin C in cooked fruit vs raw. Several hours of experimenting and then several more hours of putting it all together was the standard torture. Many rocky moments and I am just grateful it's over for another year.

Big props goes to Paul and Charlotte for helping us brainstorm at Gilbert's for a catchy title. Paul has the gift and we'll be calling on him for future copywriting.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Big Red Rules the Roost

Our local hummingbird Jessiphina has been the 'owner' of our backyard for a few years and has had at least two nests we've known of. But a few weeks back, Big Red took over and is chasing away any and all comers. He's quite spectacular, but very aggressive and sits near the feeder guarding his territory. We're curious if he is here to stay. (And if it's even a him, hard to tell on Hummers.)

Lunch at The Club with the cute Heffs

Girlie Sleepover . . . and Charlie too!

Just a quick shot of the girls at our recent Sleepover in Pasadena whilst Bren was out of town. Much fun was had by Jessica playing Wii all evening, but the best part of the sleepover was the after-hours viewing of HBOs True Blood.


Jessica and 13 friends partied at Piccolo Chef in Culver City to celebrate Jessica's 8th birthday. The kids took over an industrial kitchen and made pizza from scratch and decorated cupcakes. A huge mess was made, but everything was delicious and we finished the party with a fabulous cake from Junior's.

The Fox Family

The Fox family enjoys the party, but had to take a moment to call their 'peeps' during the festivities.

Good Times Had By All Making Pizza & Cupcakes

Great fun for the kids to make their own pizzas from scratch and then decorate some outrageous cupcakes. Happy 8th birthday Jessica!

Let's All Remember These Good Times

So when Jess is a teenager, I'll have a few photos like this one to remind her that in her youth, she thought I was a great mom.